Hori Kinen Kanai Nohgakudo

Hori Kinen Kanai Nohgakudo

Introduction Video

※ No audio.

Zeami’s Place: Noh Theater in Kanai District

The Noh theater in the Kanai district is renowned as a place associated with Zeami.
Throughout the year, various performances and events are held.

Unique Stage Structure

The indoor stage is surrounded on three sides by audience seating.
It features a 6m x 6m cypress wood stage, a bridge approximately 10m in length, and a mirror board depicting an old pine tree.

Tribute to the Hori Shibu Couple

Built on the former residence of the Honorary Citizens of old Kanai Town, the Hori Jibu couple, a bronze statue has been erected to honor their significant contributions to their hometown.



Address: 371 NakaoKikabuto, Sado City, Niigata Prefecture, 952-1211, Japan

Explore other Noh theaters

SVG Clickable Map Example – English Version
To Shiizaki Suwa Shrine13.7㎞21min41min
ToThe Honma Family’s Noh Stage10.4㎞16min48min
To Ushio Shrine10.8㎞17min32min
To Kamo Shrine6.8㎞12min20min
To Daizen Shrine6.6㎞10min20min
Time is just an estimate.

委託:令和5年度日本博 2.0 事業(委託型)
